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Expert Opinion Letter

By Estimate Only

An expert opinion expands upon your Document-by-Document evaluation. It provides you with the written opinion from a university professor in the appropriate field. An expert opinion letter specifically addresses an individual’s academic and employment experience qualifications to satisfy U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) H-1B regulations for a determination of a minimum of a bachelor’s degree equivalent.

We work with a large network of university professors in a wide range of disciplines to ensure we satisfy your needs. Typically, professors will require information beyond the requirements of a standard Document-by-Document evaluation. This could include academic transcripts, employment verification letters, and detailed job descriptions. If you need a translation, we’d be happy to help.

Coordinator will be in touch with specific turnaround time and pricing options after receipt of request.

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It is the responsibility of the applicant to know the requirements of the receiving institution and to provide the appropriate documentation. Please submit all relevant educational documents (i.e. diploma, transcript, mark sheets). The evaluation will indicate if originals, certified copies, or photocopies were submitted. Credentials equivalent to completion of professional or vocational training will not be included in the evaluation. If both secondary (high school) and university-level credentials are submitted, the Foundation for International Services, Inc. (FIS) will analyze the post-secondary studies only, unless requested at the time of application. English translations (preferably certified translations) are required for all non-English documents that are necessary to perform an evaluation. FIS offers translation services (these fees are in addition to the evaluation price).

Requests for Next Day Services must be received before 2:00pm (Pacific). Requests for Same Day Services must be received before 12:00pm (Pacific). Adding translation services will extend the turnaround time/due date.

  • The fastest turnaround timing we offer for a combined Document by Document evaluation with translations is a total of 3 business days (this is with the purchase of a Next Day Service).
  • One Week Document by Document or Course by Course Evaluation combined with Translation services is extended to a total of 7 business days.
  • FIS translation services are separate fees in addition to the evaluation price.
  • Timing begins once payment is received and all necessary/requested documents are on file.
Evaluation reports are delivered via email as a high-resolution, color PDF.

In preparing an evaluation report, every effort is made to consult appropriate resources in order to provide the most accurate evaluation possible consistent with the purpose of the request. The Foundation reserves the right to contact institutions/agencies and to verify the accuracy/authenticity of any documents submitted for evaluation. This may affect the timing of the evaluation. The decision as to whether a formal evaluation report will be completed rests solely with FIS. Any file inactive for more than six (6) months may be cancelled.

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Expert Opinion Specialty Areas

FIS offers expert opinions to meet any need for your credential evaluation or USCIS petitions

FIS can assist immigration clients by referring to professors and industry experts to support petitions to USCIS and the Department of Labor (DOL) that determine foreign educational degree equivalencies of academic credentials, education plus professional work experience, extraordinary ability (O-1 and EB-1), national interest waivers, establish “specialty occupation” or industry standards for professional positions, and respond to PERM audits for “business necessity”.

While expert opinion letters have been written for a wide range of fields, each case is different and professor availability can change, so it is best to Contact FIS to discuss your expert opinion needs as the first step.


Following are many of the academic degree fields in which Expert Opinion letters have been written and approved by USCIS, as well as a sample of professional positions (“specialty occupations”)
Business Fields

Accounting, business administration, economics, finance, management, management information systems (MIS), marketing and others.

Samples of “specialty occupation” positions: Market Research Analyst, Marketing Manager, Logistics Manager, International Business Analyst, Accountant, Credit Analyst, Purchasing Manager

Computer and Information Technology Fields

Computer science, computer technology, computer information systems (CIS), information technology (IT), management information systems (MIS) and others.

Samples of “specialty occupation” positions: Systems Analyst, Network Administrator, Project Lead/Software Engineer, Programmer Analyst, Web Administrator

Engineering/Technology Fields

Automotive, chemical, construction, electrical, industrial, manufacturing, materials, mechanical, systems and others.

Samples of “specialty occupation” positions: Construction Manager, Director of Advanced Product Development, Tool Design Program Manager

Humanities/Arts Fields

Communication, dance, education, English, fashion design, film/digital media, fine arts, graphic design, interior design, journalism, literature, music, technical writing, theatre, urban planning, and others.

Samples of “specialty occupation” positions: Graphic Designer, Music Director, Public Relations Specialist, Teacher, Journalist, Film Archivist, Technical Writer

Science Fields

Actuarial science, biochemistry, biotechnology, exercise sciences, food sciences, health sciences, physics, quantitative analysis, and others.

Samples of “specialty occupation” positions: Sports Instructors, Rehabilitation Coordinator

Service Fields

Hospitality management, human resources, nursing, public administration, public health, and others.

Samples of “specialty occupation” positions: Health Educator, Human Resources Manager, Director of Nursing Administration, and others.

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